Acupuncture is a physical medicine with special emphasis on three things:
Overtime, changes in any of these can lead to disease.
According to Chinese Medicine, the definition of health is highly nutritious and oxygenated bloood coursing through all areas of the body.
Acupuncture ultimately treats the brain
Circuit Breaker Analogy:
House = Body
Circuit Breaker = Brain
Wiring and Electricity = Nervous System
Switches = Acupuncture Points
Light = Blood
By flipping different switches we can turn on various lights in the house.
In other words, we can use acupuncture points along a certain longitudinal line to bring highly nutritious and oxygenated blood which is full of white blood cells, natural anti-inflammatories, and opioids to a diseased area to promote healing.
A local needle affects the brain differently than a distal needle.
Local Needle:
Distal Needle:
1) Musculoskeletal Disorders
2) Respiratory Disorders
3) Cardiovascular Disorders
4) Digestive Disorders
5) Gyencological Disorders
6) Pscyhoemotional Disorders
7) Urogenital Disorders
8) Neurological Disorders
9) Head, Ears, Eyes, Nose, Throat Disorders
Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin single-use disposable needles through the patient's skin at specific points on the body called acupoints. The patient will be asked to lie down, either face-up, face-down or on his/her side, depending on where the needles are inserted. As each needle is inserted the patient should feel them, but initially without pain. However, when the needle reaches the right depth there should be a deep aching sensation. The needles are generally retained for about 30-60 minutes.
Supplementary techniques may be applied as needed to enhance the theapeutic outcome such as massage, cupping, electroacupuncture, infrared laser ('electro-moxabustion'), stretching, and/or gua sha (skin scraping)